Thursday, November 28, 2019
Anne Hutchinson Essays - American Political Philosophy,
Anne Hutchinson Anne Hutchinson She was born as Anne Marbury in 1591 in Alford, England. Her father, Francis Marbury, was an official in a church in Cambridge. He was not content with the Church. He declared publicly that many of the church ministers were not fit to guide people's souls, and for that he was jailed for a year. Even so, he continued verbally attacking the Church, claiming that high church officials freely appointed whoever they wanted, and those people were not usually qualified for their positions. Tired of constant arrests and inquisitions, he finally chose conformity and calmed down. Anne spent a lot of time reading her father's books on theology and religion. She admired his defiance of traditional church principles. She was also fascinated with theological questions like those about the fate of the Native Americans, who did not know about salvation. When she was twenty-one, she married a man named Will Hutchinson and became known as Anne Hutchinson. She also became a mother to fi fteen children. There was a minister, John Cotton, who she always admired. He was originally a Protestant, but as time passed he leaned more and more towards Puritan beliefs. Like her father, he spoke about the corruption in the clergy and called for purification of the Church. He recognized the destructive influence of the Catholic Church on the Church of England, and talked about opportunities for religious freedom in America. Anne Hutchinson's family went to Reverend Cotton's church every Sunday to hear his preachings. Eventually, John Cotton's dream came true, and he was able to cross the Atlantic Ocean and come to New England. In 1634, Anne Hutchinson took her family and followed him to Massachusetts. She wanted to express her increasingly Puritanic views, and she wished to be once again part of John Cotton's congregation. During her voyage to America, she assembled groups of women to discuss religion. She spoke of her views, and became known as a radical. She even claimed that God had revealed to her knowledge of the day of their arrival. Out of sheer coincidence, or for some other unknown reason, she guessed it correctly as September 18, 1634. To her great surprise, New England turned out to be more religiously constrictive than England ever was for her. She was not welcomed warmly by John Cotton because of her unorthodox views. He told her that it would be best for her if she would withhold from speaking about her views. As a prerequisite for her acceptance into the Puritan Church, she had to accept that she was guilty of wrong thinking on the ship and God had not really revealed to her the day of their arrival and that it was a mere guess. She compromised, but in her mind she still held on to her views. She believed that faith alone could bring salvation. She also believed that all people could talk to and receive an answer from God if they would listen. She once said that she felt that nothing important could happen if it was not revealed to her by G od beforehand. Seeing the apprehension of the Church and the community at her views, she only expressed them in the privacy of her own home where she sometimes assembled women to share her ideas with. She was never in open defiance of the Church. Although she disagreed with some of its principles, she was still its devoted member. John Cotton also understood the harsh regime of the Puritan Church and its intoleration of nonconformity. He once said that in New England, members of the Church suffered for having a mind of their own. There was another prominent religious figure in New England. His name was John Winthrop, Governor of Massachusetts Bay Colony. His dream was to found a city where the Puritan religion would be followed with utmost devotion. He sincerely believed in the inferiority of women to men. He also believed that a woman who devoted herself to reading and writing had lost her understanding and reason. He wrote that women should leave the intellectual work to men, whose minds are stronger. He urged them to honor and keep the place that God had set for
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Chinese Legal System essays
Chinese Legal System essays One of the most interesting forces in modern world trade and globalization is China. Indeed, while its presence in the world market is not a recent phenomenon, the globalization effect has necessitated recent changes in Chinas trade system, specifically in the private enterprise sector. In this, the greatest challenge China faces is realizing its goal of encouraging enterprise and trade while at the same time retaining the centuries-old traditions on which the country has historically thrived. China appears to be thriving on several arenas of the global trade paradigm. In terms of imports, the countrys membership in the World Trade Organization since 2003. In the same year, it was listed as the third largest commodities importer. This, along with the countrys willingness to open its policies to create a more friendly environment for foreign traders, has rapidly expanded the countrys total foreign trade volume. However, the country also faces several challenges in terms of its WTO membership commitments. One of these is its non-market economy status. This means that within the first 15 years of its membership, China is obliged to calculate its product prices in reference to other countries, rather than on the basis of its own production costs. This could mean significant losses in the countrys exports. Another challenge is the safeguard mechanism for specific products. This means that any member country could request a consultation with China if one of its export product prices increased dramatically. In terms of its domestic products, China also appears to experience a period of great prosperity. Several factors are responsible for this. These include political, cultural and economic factors that affect domestic product manufacture. A political and cultural factor relates to the improvement of private enterprise climate via offering membership in the Communist Party of China to ...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Bullying Should be Abolished Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Bullying Should be Abolished - Research Paper Example A second form of bullying is the verbal assault, which includes calling names or insulting an individual or worse still spreading rumors about the person (Rigby 225). In other cases, some bullies use text messages to intimidate an individual. Other bullies use the internet and intimidate others by posting nasty comments to an individualââ¬â¢s profile on a social network. Other bullies post pictures that seek to intimidate or raise issues on oneââ¬â¢s reputation. Bullying may also be sexual in cases where the bully sends sexual photos, calls you names that touch on sexuality or physically harasses one sexually without their consent. Bullying can take place in school, neighborhood, workplace, and among peers. Other bullies find their prey on the internet and in cyber. Often victims face bullying because of their race, body shape, family, sexuality, and integrity. Bullying is a detestable act in society, and the institutions should abolish it and the government should establish an anti-bully policy. Bullying has devastating effects on the wellbeing of individuals and denies the victims opportunities of living freely. Bullies cause immeasurable intimidation on their victim affecting their self-esteem. According to scholars, the practice is common in high schools. Further, researchers believe that from the understanding of human development, humans build self-esteem during their teen age. High school students are in this age bracket and therefore their self-esteem is greatly affected. These students feel inferior to their fellow students and show signs of loss of self worth (William 2). Individuals, who experience a low self-esteem in their teen age, usually have difficulties in self-actualization later in their lives. They lack faith in themselves and unless they can rise above these challenges, they do not achieve their goals in life. From Rigbyââ¬â¢s publication, it is also clear that victims of bullying have a higher likelihood of developing psychiatric disorders (227). This happens later in their lives if they face bullying at the tender age of eight years. It is unfair to deny an individual an opportunity to develop a high self-esteem and affect the rest of their lives. Children who are bullies show signs of depression and this indicates that bullying affects both the victim and the bully. Victims of bullying undergo extreme trauma. They feel empty and nobody comes to their rescue; they lose the reason for living and take their lives. This is usually so tragic to the family of such teenagers. Moreover, these teenagers die at a tender age and never live to see their dreams come true and this is a great loss to society in terms of potential. Families of the victims have a hard time accepting the death of their beloved children according to Colson in his article titled `Mother claims bullying led to daughterââ¬â¢s suicideââ¬â¢. Friends of the victims experience great loss too and tend to live in fear of the same happening to them. The main cause of reported suicide is usually because of feeling worthless and this ascertains to the fact that bullying can lead to suicide. Bullies can also consider suicide on realization that a victim committed suicide. This is because of guilt and even those not taking this option experience depression because of guilt. Bullying affects children negatively and reports
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Cold War - Causes and Consequences of the Battle of Two Ideologies Essay
Cold War - Causes and Consequences of the Battle of Two Ideologies - Essay Example The cold war was the result of the clashing between capitalism and communism which at the moment were two opposing worldviews. For the two countries involved, the war was a battle between the two civilizations capitalism and communism. There was also the concern by the Soviet Union to protect its sovereignty by securing its borders. This was due to the two previous invasions in one century by the Germans in 1941 and Japan in 1904.In 1945, the U.S.A created and used the atomic bomb against Japan. This sparked an arms race with Russia attempting to make one of its own thus both countries created large stocks of missiles and other arms. There was also the threat that Russia felt after the U.S.A moved its bombers to Europe and the rearming of Germany as well as its admission to NATO. The war was further aggravated to show technological superiority using the space race as a platform with the launching of satellites into space by the race.Politically the war was meant to be a quest for dom inance across the world; thus, the competition between them and their political allies was geopolitical in that their allies were strategically found around the world. As a result, the United States aimed at containing the expansion of Soviet power. The two countries also sought to influence new governments the world over following the power vacuum after decolonization. For this, the United States backed brutal dictators only to prevent the spread of communism that was advocated for by the Soviet Union. As a result, the U.S. abandoned its ideals of self-determination. The cold war, in regard to politics, led to the election of anticommunist leaders into power such as Nixon, Regan, Kennedy, and Truman. The leaders and Truman in particular approved funds for developing nations, in Asia, Africa, and Latin America to curb communism.
Monday, November 18, 2019
Hispanic American Diversity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 3
Hispanic American Diversity - Essay Example This essay stresses that usually, Cuban Americans have higher living standards than other ethnic minorities because of tight socio-economic support and family relations. Cuban Miamian community significantly affects socio-cultural and political background of the region; for example, it reflects on holidays celebration, carnivals, numerous soccer fields, menu in local cafes and restaurants. It impacts their relations with other Hispanic minorities, because ââ¬Å"Cuban Miamians are slowly adjusting to sharing their influence with the growing diversity of Hispanics.â⬠Life within community implies multigenerational families, respect of the elderly and steady family values. Dominican American females have more freedom in independent living, earning money and making career than the other Latinas. This paper makes a conclusion that younger generation prefers lifestyle and family model of White Americans. Approximately 30 ââ¬â 35% of Puerto Ricans graduated from colleges and universities; this ethnic group has the highest percentage of skilled labor force in the USA. Puerto Rican American students are participated into ESL programs, but many of them know English perfectly. Large national communities promote socio-cultural support in the form of linguistic courses, professional advanced training etc.
Friday, November 15, 2019
Steroid Use In Professional Sports Sport Essay
Steroid Use In Professional Sports Sport Essay Steroid use in professional sports: are the punishments fair? Introduction Anabolic steroids are continually used by sporting professionals though major sporting organizations have banned their usage due to the negative attributes and effects associated with continued usage. Many nations are troubled by the increasing occurrences of usage of performance enhancing drugs exhibited by the sports people. Professional athletes and baseball players have been in the limelight especially during the summer and American Olympic Games. According to recent survey both old and seasoned sportspeople and athletes use steroids to enhance their performance. Teenagers also admit to have used the steroids at some point of their life (Paterson, 1998). A recent poll on US, about 43% of Americans believe that almost half of the athletic professionals and American Olympics athletes in the country use steroids. Since non medical usage of steroids is illegal, amendments have been advanced in the Anabolic steroid control regulations to make possessions of these drugs a federal crime. Anabolic steroids which are testosterone derivatives enable the body to quickly metabolize the ingested proteins thereby enabling quick synthesis and formation of skeletal muscle. Primarily, sports personalities have continually used the steroids in order to delay the feelings of fatigue and ultimately enabling a feeling of euphoria be exhibited. This boosts their performance levels. This document will highlight the prevalence of the vice amongst the sporting personalities and the kind of punishment advanced to the falters of the rules. With evidence from the Anabolic steroids governing bodies and major sports associations like the Olympics, NFL, NHL and the NBA, a critical analysis of the rules and penalties will be advanced. An agency referred to as World Anti- Doping has consistently maintained a list of steroids which are deemed to enhance performance like Dianabol, Anadrol, winstrol and oxandrin. Literature review Commonly abused steroids There are generally three types of steroids which are commonly abused by sports professionals. Anabolic, Cortico and androgenic steroids are available in the market though the US Government has banned their usage. Anabolic and androgenic steroids have growth and thickening effects on the users skeletal muscles, larynx, vocal chords as well as the bones while affecting a considerable loss in body fat. When taken a remarkable transformation in the body of the user is exhibited due to increased muscle bulk and general body strength. This is primarily the reason why many sports people opt to use the anabolic steroids due to increased strength and agility exhibited after continued usage (Rogak, 1992). Without a valid prescription usage and possession of anabolic steroids is illegal. The Cortico steroids are made in such a way that they mimic the function of the naturally occurring cortisone in the human body. Cortisone deals with injuries in the body by regulating inflammation in the body . The Cortico steroids are used in treatment of such illnesses as asthma, allergies and kidney diseases. Common street names advanced for these steroids include pumpers, weight trainers, Arnolds amongst others. Erythropoietin is commonly used by endurance athletes in a bid to improve on their performance. The drug works to increase the amount of red blood cells present in the body by stimulating the production and release of the red blood cells from the bone marrow. So when there are many red blood cells available in the body, a lot of oxygen is circulated in the body thereby increasing performance. Steroid use in sports The prevalence of steroid usage in sporting arena is high and stiff penalties have been advanced to the sports people found taking the drugs. Most athletes who take steroids do so in a bid to push the performance of their bodies past the limit thereby acquire a competitive advantage ahead of their opponents. Continued usage of steroids results to remarkable increase in muscle mass and strength thus giving the user a competitive edge over his opponents. Common usage of steroids is exhibited in those sporting activities which largely require a lot of strength and large size like football, baseball or wrestling as well as those requiring a lot of endurance like swimming and track athletes (Rogak, 1992). Body builders as well as individuals who fancy developed muscles largely fall prey in taking steroids. Except for the increased body strength and mass exhibited after continued usage of steroids, skill and performance of a player is not increased. It is such factors as the body size, age , diet and the frequency of training which determines the general performance of a sportsperson. Testing and Punishment procedures Every sporting agency has different procedures through which it administers testing and punishments to the players so as to determine whether they are under the influence of steroids. Though a lot of politics exists regarding the ways to administer testing of players, all stakeholders in the sporting arena acknowledge the need to test and make public the results thereby reduce the skepticisms associated with usage of steroids (Rogak, 1992). Challenges exist though, especially when players claim that a move to undertake testing will interfere with their privacy and the results may be maliciously influenced through falsely accusing the players of using steroids. Different sports have their testing procedures which they undertake. The minor league baseball players are tested for cocaine, marijuana, steroids as well as androstenedione. The first time offenders undergo education, counseling and treatment and are constantly subjected to random tests. Suspension from the league is affected to repeat offenders. NFL players are tested during the preseason with random tests being done throughout the season and offseason. A first time offender earns a four game suspension, a second offence earns six games suspension while a third offence earns a complete expulsion. For NBA, the rookies are tested four times each year with penalties of suspensions without pay being advanced to the falters. The US Olympic team has stringent testing procedures with such activities as blood doping, stimulants, alcohol, marijuana as well as mimetic being prohibited. Penalties differ depending on the substance used. Primarily the penalties range from public warnings to suspensions ranging from two to five years. Benefits of punishing steroid usage Since the inception of the Steroid control act many sports personalities involved in steroid usage have been stripped off their titles, medals and records held. Thus through the enforcement of the legislations regarding steroid usage issues of cheating as well as hollow victories have been minimized (Paterson, 1998). By not permitting the steroid users sports personalities to compete with the drug free sportspersons is a show of fairness as no competitor is given a competitive advantage over the other players. Sanctity is reverted to the sporting industry since no pressure is advanced to the drug free sportspeople to use steroids in order to continually remain competitive in their field. Constant drug testing need be upheld by all sporting bodies in order to completely deter sports people from taking the steroids while instilling stiff penalties to people found taking the drugs. Curbing Trafficking of steroids Steroids can be obtained from pharmaceutical companies without prescription. Due to the negative effects associated with the drugs most governments have banned their usage and stiff penalties are advanced to the users as well as anyone found in possession of the drugs. There are several proponents of criminalization of individuals found in possession of the drugs. Many people contend that through putting in place stiff penalties, trafficking of the steroids will be deterred (Roberts, 2005). Monitoring the internet selling sources of the steroids will help in reducing instances of influx of the drugs into the market. Relevant Government agencies need monitor such selling avenue so as to determine their source and destination. Strict controls which limit the substances produced by pharmaceutical companies will ensure that destructive drugs like steroids are not undertaken. The control act states that any individual involved in the manufacturing, distribution and dispensation of controlled substances should always register with the attorney general office (Paterson, 1998). Although this move helps in curbing the manufacture and distribution of the steroids, the booming trade of counterfeit labs which mimic the legitimate pharmaceutical companies has resulted. The black market of the steroid drugs which are substandardly manufactured has continually frustrated the Governments efforts to kick out steroids from the reach of the users. Steroids side effects Anabolic steroids are deadly drugs with massive side effects. Since the sporting personalities self administer the drugs without prescription from the physicians, damage caused on the body of a user cannot be underestimated since the right dosage and duration of medication is not adhered to (Roberts, 2005). The side effects exhibited differ between individuals depending on the length of usage, the type of drug taken, individual sensitivity as well as the dosage administered. ââ¬Å"Roid rage ââ¬Å"is particularly common amongst the steroid users where they portray uncontrollable behavior which is spontaneous and overly aggressive especially after they cease to use the drugs. The function of the liver is inhibited by oral use of AS. Liver Lesions have been exhibited by users of nortesterone as well as testosterone esters. The hospitalized patients of steroids have other illnesses like anemia, impotence and renal insufficiency. Usage of steroids with the 17- alpha- alkyl group cause liver turmoil (Roberts, 2005). More often than not the abnormalities are asymptomatic especially because peliosis as well as the liver tumors do not cause blood abnormalities. Continued use of steroids elicits structural changes in the formation of the heart while after discontinued usage ischemic tolerance remarkably decreases. Steroid users are at a greater risk of contracting prostrate cancer and susceptibility to getting skin infections. Since the AS is derived from testosterone, negative side effects are exhibited in the reproductive system. Decreased fertility, formation of breasts in men, irregularities in ovulation and menstrual cycle amongst women is exhibited. Thus through continued usage, males develop female characteristics whereas the females develop female characteristics. Growing children demonstrate viriliza tion, stunted growth and gynecomastia. Steroid usage affects the cardiovascular system resulting to increased blood pressure. The immune system is also affected resulting to decreased productivity of the immune system. Some less serious side effects of acne include acne, rosccea, hair loss and increased fat excretion. Instances of glucose tolerance decrease in the bodies of seasoned steroid users while the levels of insulin in the body considerably increase thus symptoms of type 2 diabetes will be exhibited. Findings and discussions Issue 1: Marion Jones imprisonment and stripping of records, medal and prizes won after 2000, September. She was an award winning track field athlete who admitted to taking performance enhancing steroids. Initially Marion Jones had denied ant involvement with drugs to the press, sports agencies and grand juries. In October, 2007 it was confirmed that Marion Jones returned the five medals she worn during the 2000 summer Olympics as was determined by the Anti doping agency of the U.S. Tim Montgomery was stripped his records after being found guilty of using steroids. He retired from sports immediately after the results were made public. The USA anti doping agency found him guilty of using the steroids as well as human growth hormones. A four year ban was imposed on him in December 2005 and consequently stripped him all the awards and records held since 2001. In 2008, Tim admitted that he took testosterone during the Sydney relay hence the reason why his team clinched the gold medal. Rule1: According to the 1990 Anabolic steroid control act, it is a criminal offence to use steroids by sports person in order to enhance athletic and cosmetic performance. Suspension and imprisonment is the ultimate punishment for the defaulters of the rule. Analysis1: The Anabolic steroid control act has placed the usage of steroids in the same class as such drugs as ketamine, LSD precursors as well as barbiturates. According to this act, Mariah Jones is guilty of possessing and using the steroids especially because she was involved in major competition events hence the reason why arrests, persecution and imprisonment was done. Tim Montgomery public admission that he used performance enhancers is a clear demonstration that the vice is deep-rooted amongst the athletes who wish to remain competitive in their various sports. The enforcement of the stipulated penalties serves to warn the users of the drugs against continued usage of steroids when undertaking major competitions. Conclusion1: it is vital that the kind of punishment advanced to sports personalities implicated in steroids use is stepped up in order to show other athletes who are already practicing and those aspiring that usage of steroids is totally unacceptable. Throughout the entire career of Marion Jones, accusations that she was involved in the usage of steroids existed but she always denied until the tests were done in 2007. Thus Marion Jones return of all awards won when she was competing under grand violation of the laid down rules. Issue 2: Ben Johnson, a well known Canadian sprinter enjoyed intense moments of fame in the 1980s especially after winning two bronze medals and a gold medal during the Olympics. During the 1987 world athletics championships and the 1988 summer Olympics he set world records for the 100m race. When traces of Stanozolol were discovered, he was disqualified thus loosing both records and the Olympic title. He was suspended from the field until 1991. After his comeback, he was again found guilty of doping with high levels of testosterone after which he was banned completely from athletics by the IAAF. Rule 2: The world Anti doping agency undertakes testing of blood samples as well as urine samples. Testing is a random and unannounced. A penalty for any offence is a two year ban from athletics competitions. Analysis 2: After the tests done at Seoul, Ben Johnson is reportedly to have denied ever doping. During the 1989 Durbin inquiry, he admitted that indeed he used the steroids under the guidance of his coach Charlie Francis who said that Johnson had always been using the steroids since 1981. Conclusion 2: The usage of steroids need be put on hold especially with the practicing athletes. If usage of steroids is to be continued, then the legitimacy of athletics will be questioned because the results produced are not naturally acquired. Since testing is random, enforcement of the laws becomes easy. Professional leagues which exhibit mysteries will be minimized and the credibility of professional leagues will not be questioned. Issue 3: Barry Bonds who was an acclaimed baseball player was implicated in steroid usage. Through association with steroid usage Barry Bonds awards and achievement in baseball were tainted. He had worn seven MVP awards and numerous homeruns and All-Stars. BALCO regulations completely withhold the usage of steroids thus the reason why Barry Bonds was not reassigned to the San Francisco giants during the 2008 baseball season. He played with the Pittsburgh pirates where his prowess was manifested without being revealed he was under the influence of steroids. Ken Caminiti is another baseball player who publicly admitted to the use of anabolic steroids. He played in the team Atlanta braves and worn three awards of Golden Gloves and the coveted 1996 MVP. His admission to the use of the steroids tainted completely the baseball profession where a common belief is held that all baseball players are indeed involved in the vice. Rule 3: Baseball players who test positive for amphetamines will be automatically tested for the second time with a second offence eliciting 25 game suspension while a third offence will elicit 80 games suspension. Analysis 3: A controversial career life of Barry Bonds was exhibited as he is notably amongst the major baseball players implicated in the usage of steroids. In the 2007, he was indicted for the evils of perjury especially since he obstructed justice when the case to determine investigation of the case and the outcome of the implications of the case. The case is still ongoing even now and its unlikely that he will be reinstated in the national team. Suspicions are high regarding the baseball players as most people believe that the players are souped with steroids in order to build on their muscles. Baseball players admit that a lot of pressure exists which forces them to take steroids especially in order to compete in the majors. Conclusion 3: Washingtons baseball commissioner has advanced several stringent measures in a bid to counter steroids. Players who fail the steroid tests will be required to miss more than a third of the seasons of the match. Due to the threat of legislations which have been spurred, players who use steroids have been put up for stiffer penalties. Stiff penalties are advanced to the players so as to limit occurrence of instances of steroid usage (Yesalis, 2000). The current penalties which are in existence include a 10 day suspension for the first offensive occurrence ,30 days for the second offence and in case of a third offence 60 days suspension is advanced. Most baseball clubs ensure that they test players during the spring training sessions with random training sessions being advanced throughout the seasons in order to ensure that players do not fall prey to the vice (Taylor, 2002). Off season testing is also advanced to the players. Several bills have been advanced in a bid to i ntensify punishments for baseball players who use steroids. Issue 4: An alleged East coast distributor of steroids was arrested with a huge stockpile of anabolic steroids. Rule 4: Non medical possession of anabolic steroids with the intention of personal use or resale is illegal. A first time possession of steroids attracts a punishment of imprisonment period of more than one year with an option of a minimum fine of $1,000. Possession with previous conviction of drugs will attract a 15 day to two years imprisonment or a fine of $2,500. People with more than two instances of charges of steroids will attract an imprisonment term of not less than 90 days and a fine of $5,000.A distributor of steroids attracts a $250,000 to $1,000,000 with an imprisonment option of up to 5 years. Analysis 4: The mere possession of steroids is punishable by law. Steroids users need be wary of the usage of the drugs because once police investigations are undertaken and athletes are found in possession of the steroids, stiff penalties are advanced. Legal penalties associate with the vice are massive as they incorporate jail terms of not less than two years. Sports people who self administer the steroids need to have a clue on the possible consequences associated with possession of the drugs. Conclusion 4: Anyone involved in the usage or in selling of steroids need to reconsider association with the drugs as this is the best way to go about it both medically and legally. The different types of steroids available in the market today do not contribute to improved performance of a sportsperson (Yesalis, 2000). Health side effects will no doubt result hence the reason stringent measures have been advanced to curb continued usage of the drugs. Conclusion The sports figures who are constantly using anabolic steroids to improve their athletic prowess encounter several side effects which ultimately shorten their lives and careers. Thus strict punishments as advanced so curb the vice especially amongst the teenagers who admit to have use the steroids at one point of their training so as to mimic the elite athletes. While many users admit increased body muscles and strength, an alarming increase in injury levels is exhibited (Taylor, 2002). Tendon and ligament injuries erupt due to the massive stress advanced by the overdeveloped muscles owing to the continue usage of steroids. Baseball players attest to the fact that rotator cuff injuries are on the increase due to the usage of steroids. In order to save the legacy of the sporting industries governments and sporting bodies need uphold the strict punishments in the sporting industry. Players need be sensitized on the dangers associated with taking the drugs as well as undertaking regular testing as its not a violation of the constitutional rights but a guard against unethical behavior of steroids abuse. Strategies like healthy nutrition as well as strength training programs need be devised to as to prevent the use of steroids amongst the sporting personalities. References Paterson, E (1998) Anabolic steroids and sports and drug testing, New York, U.S.A: Whitston Pub. Roberts, A (2005) Anabolic steroids. New York, U.S.A: Anabolic Information, LLC. Rogak, L (1992) Steroids: dangerous game. Minneapolis, MN: Lerner Publications Taylor, W (2002) Anabolic steroids and the athlete. North Carolina, U.S.A: McFarland, Yesalis, C (2000) Anabolic steroids in sport and exercise .New York, U.S.A: Human Kinetics.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Analysis of Identity in Jasmine Essay -- Literary Analysis, Bharati M
The novel Jasmine by Bharati Mukherjee is an incredible story about the transformation and life experiences of a Panjabi girl from India. The life of Jyoti is told from her point of view when she is twenty-four years old, and pregnant with the baby of Bud Ripplemeyer, a crippled banker who is more than twice Jyotiââ¬â¢s age. During the span of two months in Iowa, Jyoti narrates her biographical experiences in Punjab and in America as she strives to become independent. Jasmine illustrates that when oneââ¬â¢s relationships go through changes, it will impact oneââ¬â¢s identity. Born in Hasnapur in India, Jyoti is said to be the most beautiful and clever person in her family. Unlike her sisters and other girls, Jyoti excels in school and continues her education until the 8th grade despite her fatherââ¬â¢s disapproval. Education represents a way for Jasmine to separate from many girls her age including her sisters and to shape her identity. In other words, this allows her to break from the semi-feudal rural society in which she lives. Her life, like most Indian women in that time period, is controlled and dominated by her father and brothers, "Village girls are like cattle, whichever way you lead them, that is the way they will go" (46). Jyotiââ¬â¢s opinions are often considered unnecessary. The role of women in villages was only to be a mother and to manage household affairs. The first of many glimpses of Jyotiââ¬â¢s varying identities occurs during her marriage to Prakash. The first time Prakash talks to Jyoti, he says, ââ¬Å"She is a woman of fine sympathiesâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ (74). He sees her as a delicate, obedient woman who follows her familyââ¬â¢s wishes and societies restriction on women. Jyoti describes Prakash as ââ¬Å"A modern manâ⬠¦For Prakash, love was letting go. Independenc... ...el Jasmine, Jyoti has conflicts with her past and the present as she attempts to combine her life as an immigrant and life in India. Jyoti comes to America in order to fulfill her husband, Prakashââ¬â¢s dreams and to lead a more fruitful life. She undergoes her first transformation from an innocent, dutiful daughter to a modern wife when she meets Prakash who calls her Jasmine, then she becomes more American when she meets Lillian Gordon who calls her Jazzy. Later, with Taylor Hayse, who calls her Jase, she starts to accept her past and present together, however seeing her husbandââ¬â¢s murderer frightens her. She then moves on to become Budââ¬â¢s Jane. Jyoti tries to establish a new identity as she learns new American customs, skills, and aspirations. These transactions in her identity are apparent in her attitude towards life and her relationships with men and women.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Intergrated marketing communications
The main form of research for my assignment will be through the library and Internet. I will do research into companies that are based out there as Motorola companies will produce company reports, which can be found either on the Internet or in libraries. This section provides a detailed account of the research undertaken to complete this assignment and further, goes on to analyse the strengths and weaknesses of each particular method. It is used to give support of the benefits thought to be associated with each research method. With my knowledge of the Chinese markets mixed in as well, I will hopefully Produce assignment that will be unbiased and concise. Executive Summary As the number one of the foreign export-import electronic company in China, was in unique position, Motorola has established a strong infrastructure and developed powerful relationships in China. As the China become more open and developed today, all the world organisations are likely to build their business in China. As the first telecommunication company who is entry in their business in China, Motorola has successfully earned Chinese market, how does this communication skills as they used, this is the main topic of this assignments. 1) China market environment For the BBC news reports: the US businesses community see the world's most populous country as potentially their most profitable market, and the US interests hope an open Chinese market could help pull the economy out of its present slump. Why is that? Thought it took 10 years to build a mobile user base of 10 million in China, the number of subscribers increased from 10 million to 100 million in less than four years. Currently, China mobile telecommunication market is nothing short of Stellar ââ¬â no other market in the world is adding 5 million mobile subscribes a month (2001) to their customer base. China's mobile communications market, with over 120 million user by mid-2001, has over taken the US to become the largest mobile phone market in the world. China is already the largest market for cellular phones in the world and expected to be the second largest PC market in the world. China is become the second largest telecommunication market by the end the 2003. 1.2) Economic environment ââ¬â special economic zones in China China now is the biggest consumer market in the world, China have thirteen Special economic zones (SEZ), especially designed for the foreign and private owned investors. The first in Shenzhen in the province of Guangdong in 1979, since then, three further SEZS have been established in south China: Shenzhen, Zhuhai and Shantou in Guangdong, at Xiameng in province of Fujian. After 1984, China making the condition more comfortable for the foreign investment, and in 1998, Hainan Island acquired SEZ status at the same time as being promoted to being autonomous province. The SEZ are able to accept foreign investment in virtually any area of economic activity of interest to China, including all the service and production area. Since 1990, foreigners are now to engage in land development, and to install electric power and telephone service to operate utilities in one of the designated investments zones. All the technologies investments are reduced of taxation. The all of 13 SEZ zones include Dalian, Fujian, Fuzhou, Guangzhou, Hainan, Ningbo, Qingdao, Shanghai, Shantou, Tianjing, Xiamei, Zhandjiagang, and Shenzhen. Preferential administrative producedures and tax incentives would be available for the foreign investors with in economic zones. 1.3) China mobile market information Before we justified Motorola's marketing communications plan, we need look at what kind of market do we stay in at? What is in here? As this assignment's topic is Motorola PLC (China), So we need look at what is China mobile market current situation. As by report, China mobile communication market is developing rapidly. The number of mobile phone subscribers in China increased from 6.85 million in 1996 to 85.26 million in 2000. The year 2000 saw an additional increase of by 41.97 million, exceeding the number of new subscribers of fixed phone networks for the first time of history. From 1996 to the end of 2000, the average annual rate growth rate of mobile phone subscribes remained 95%. By the end of 2000, the population of the mobile phone hold reached 6.7%, it is estimated that the total number of mobile phone subscribers in China will reach 250 million in 2005. So that took 10 years to build a mobile user base of 10 million in China, the number of subscribers increased from 10 million to 100 million in less than four years. Wow, that is how cheerful news for the each company who want doing their business in Chinese market. 2) Organisationââ¬âMotorola (China) For the topic above that, I choose Motorola Company in China as my selected company. Motorola inc, the world's leading company in offering integrated communications and imbedded electronics solutions, was set up in 1928, beginning from marking rectifier and motor radio, Motorola grow up in 1940s and 1950s, gradually became a transactional company in 1960s from when it began to develop its overseas market. Now, Motorola has over 110,000 employees around the world. Its operations cover wireless communication, semiconductor, automobile electronic, broad brand, Internet and Internet access products. Motorola is the leader in mobile phone, paging, two-way radio, and commercial GSM and CDMA. In 2001, the company has scored a total sales volume of US $30 billion. Motorola Company established its branch in Beijing in 1987 and registered in Tianjin Motorola semi-conductor and car appliances. In 1992, Motorola has set up Motorola (China) electronics LTD. In Tianjin has begun to produce beep-pager, mobile phone, two-way radio, wireless communication facilities, semiconductor, automobile electronics etc. Motorola is the largest foreign investor in China. Over the past 15 years, company has invested 28.5 billion Yuan ($3.4 billion, about à ¯Ã ¿Ã ½1.7 billion). Motorola (China) has consisted of 1 owned factory, 1 holding company, 8 R&D facilities and 26 sales offices. Motorola china employs total revenue for 2002 reached 47 billion Yuan ($5.7 billion, about à ¯Ã ¿Ã ½2.85 billion), up to 16 % from when was ($3.6 billion, about à ¯Ã ¿Ã ½1.8 billion) one of the largest exports in China. Motorola entered China at a prime time when mobile communication novel idea and no one was selling. As a result, the company enjoy success in selling its pager as tens millions of Chinese wanted convenience and symbol of social status (this is Chinese momentum and a strong emphasis on design and marketing, Motorola hold the largest market share in China, about 28%, as its brand is with best in quality, features and form factor. In 2001, Motorola Company with a total sales volume of $4.9 billion in China entered into a 1.44 billion dollars network construction and expansion contract with suppliers like China telecom and Unicom. The company has a staff about 15,000 in China. Motorola is the number one provider of micro controller products, which more than 18 percent of the global market. Motorola Company has been first in its market share in China in three consecutive years. According to the 500 strongest foreign-invested companies in China, in place of Shanghai Volkswagen, which it has kept title in nine years. Over the years, Motorola has developed a unique strategy for the emphasizing technology transfer, continuing investment and association cultures. The company has invested all its profits from china back gradually localized its China operations (nearly all Motorola China company's Chinese, 75% of managers). At present, Motorola with eight co-invested companies in China is actively implementing various co-operation projects in the fields of new and hi-tech technology research and developments with famous universities, scientific research institutions and enterprise in China. Motorola is a major supplier of mobile communication equipment which including mobile switches, base stations and handsets for GSM and company is one of the few companies that can offer complete CDM (infrastructure and handsets). Until now, Motorola (China) has made up to 64 million (RMB) donations to China hope project, tertiary education, flood salvation and western development. The company has launched brand all of the China, Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Zhejiang, Hunan, Tianjing, Suzhou, Hainan, etc. Anywhere have mobile user there is a Motorola. 3) Motorola China mission statement Vision ââ¬â To be the standard against which others are measured Mission ââ¬â To make aspiration quality accessible to all Values ââ¬â Quality value, service, innovation and trust Motorola is China to stay and grow. Motorola has to date invested US $34.5 billion in china and employs 13,000 people on the Chinese mainland. It is the big foreign investor industry and it is one of the biggest American investors in the Chinese market. Motorola's relationship with Chinese government officials is continuing. Incapacity neighbour Beijing, manufacturing pagers, mobile phones, semiconductors and other wireless communications equipment. In April 1998, it moved its north Asian office from Hong Kong to Beijing. Comparing to other foreign competitors, Motorola have a long-term vision in the Chinese market. Motorola entered China in 1987 and registered in 1992 a company in Tianjin, a mu For us to fully understand the recent success of a greatest China ââ¬Å"institutionâ⬠, and how they can build upon its success, we must first examine the infrastructure of the company itself. 4) Model for Integrated Marketing Communication Integrated Marketing Communication is more than the coordination of a company's outgoing message between different media and the consistency of the message throughout. It is an aggressive marketing plan that captures and uses an extensive amount of customer information in setting and tracking marketing strategy. Steps in an Integrated Marketing system are: 1.Customer Database an essential element to implementing Integrated Marketing that helps to segment and analyse customer-buying habits. 2.Strategies Insight from analysis of customer data is used to shape marketing, sales, and communications strategies. 3.Tactics Once the basic strategy is determined the appropriate marketing tactics can be specified which best targets the specific markets. 4.Evaluate Results Customer responses and new information about buying habits are collected and analysed to determine the effectiveness of the strategy and tactics. 5.Complete the loop. 5) Customer target of Motorola China As the Motorola has wide range of mobile products, the vary of products designed as different of user group. For the Motorola (China), I selected four diverse of target marketing groups that are: fashion user; heavy user, social life lover user and high technology user. * Fashion user Most of young generation and between age 20-40, who loves to carry the new design and functional mobile phones, and change their mobile phone frequently. They more care about their appearance of mobile phones such as size, colour and diversified functions. The advertisement for this group should trend these side of behaviour. However, the product targeting of these group are only a short life cycle, the company should to contours move forward their product design, to lead the mobile market fashion. * Heavy user Normally they are successful businessman and woman, professionals and private company owner, are aged which above 30 years old, with a higher incomer. The people in this group as show in mobile as their necessary tools for their business or jobs, not kind of fashion staff. They always are early holders of mobiles phones, for them, it is good to stick with one brand, not always change, because they don't seems to have a time to use new manure. Therefore, for this group need have much high quality of the product and faultless customer service, also this group is much loyal in certain brands compare with other group, so it is very important to reach this group's customer. * Social life lover user This group might not that rich, but they are very active, enjoys pup, restaurant, nightclub all those kind of staff. They like to make friends and more care about their families. A mobile phone is the best tools for them to communicate with other and keeping in touch. They may not enjoy getting a very attractive appearance or very complicate functional mobile phones; the people in this group are much sensitive to the price of the phone than other groups, because they normally do not have very higher income and only got average salary. They normally are patient to wait about sales promotions in order to get good price with good deals. For this target of view, the profit margin of mobile phones targeting for this group are focused on lower price. However, with the increasing number of the mobile phones holder, this group's people are quickly growth and make more contribution to the growth of the market size. So, we cannot disregard the exist of this group. * Technology user This group's customer are normally male, high educated, the age of them are between 25-50. They are very interested to try advanced technology, and always seek new mobile phones with innovative technology and wide functions. Customers in this group are more likely try some new accessories connecting to the mobile phones and other personal digital equipment, such as ââ¬ËIs this mobile phone are good to connect to the laptop or Internet or is this mobile phone have a good camera'? 6) Promotion methods ââ¬â Cross promotion Sometimes the cross-promotions that happen between different industries work so well. One company actually buys the expertise of the other and opens an outlet incorporating both. Benetton and Motorola rolled out an elegant line of pagers as ââ¬Å"fashion accessories.â⬠The cross-promotional partners' vision is to make the humble pager a fashion statement, with customers wearing matching clothing and pagers on their belts. Motorola persuaded Benetton to license its name and provide ââ¬Å"creative consultationâ⬠to Motorola's paging division, which manufactures the new devices. Motorola Pagers, in colours ranging from ââ¬Å"raspberry purpleâ⬠to ââ¬Å"buttermilkâ⬠will be advertised on Benetton models will have the United Colours of Benetton slogan stamped on them, which both gives Motorola and Benetton an advertisement, is called moving advertisement in the China. 6.1) Master card international and Motorola alliance MasterCard International and Motorola companies announced that each would commit resources in a joint effort to make m-commerce a reality for consumers worldwide. Motorola and MasterCard will collaborate on continuing research and development projects to assure interoperability between MasterCard's electronic payment systems and Motorola's wireless Internet devices and platforms. The two companies plan to develop next-generation m-commerce technologies that support the initiatives of the newly formed Global Mobile Commerce Interoperability Group (GMCIG), of which both companies are key members. The alliance also includes cooperation on a number of key initiatives to promote the benefits of m-commerce to consumers through joint marketing activities. The companies also plan to work together to adapt existing, intelligent payment systems for the mobile environment. These systems include MasterCard M/Chip(tm), its chip-based integrated credit/debit system, and Mondex(tm), MasterCard's chip-based electronic cash payment system. Motorola's alliance with MasterCard will enable Motorola to work closely with MasterCard's 22,000 member financial institutions. As a result, Motorola expects to realize continued improvements in the capabilities and functionality of its existing wireless Internet devices and platforms. Both companies also will benefit from the respective experience, leadership and brand recognition of the other ââ¬â Motorola with its reputation as a global communications leader and pioneer of the wireless Internet, and MasterCard as the most widely-accepted electronic payment brand in the world and a catalyst for the development of m-commerce solutions. 7) List of stakeholdersââ¬â Motorola China Manufactory & Products: Motorola have a range of products, which include pages, mobile phones, Internet and Internet access products. The integrated electronic system sector, we called them ââ¬ËIESS' in Motorola, formally as known as ACCES (automotive, computer and communication components and energy sector), consists as two parts: the energy system group (ESG) and the automotive and industrial electronics group (AIEG). ESG Tannin factory has several SMT assembly lines, with high-precision mounting capability and speed, the factory is capable of producing a wide range of PCB electronics products, to meet the requirements of customers. ESG Tianjin now produces nearly 100 types of batteries of various series for Motorola's company, V series, time port, talk about, two-way radio products and other electronic devices. The Motorola (China) factory is played an important role of Motorola's development strategy. Suppliers: Motorola have about 700 direct supplier or indirect supplier of Motorola China for total 13,000 employees. Distributors: These are the sources for companies to deliver their products throughout the market. The primary distributors are the state funded networks and the larger distributor networks throughout the China. A key government network, sponsored by china mobile, is a key network as it sells and distributes other brands. Another strong channels is companies like Cellstar and bright point which are the world's leading global providers of innovative, value ââ¬â enhancing logistics services to the wireless communications industry. Another channel outlet is the smaller private exclusive distributorship agreements, which Motorola does not depend heavily on. These partner combinations are important for companies who depend on them to get their products to the ever-expanding market regions. Subscribers: By the year 2003, the Motorola mobile phone subscribes in China will reached 75 million, and the number will go up to 200 million by the year of 2004, but most of the market share will be taken by Motorola. The figure 2 is show in the growth of subscribers. Source: Temple University Customers: as I mentioned above, Motorola (China) separately with different customer user group, every group have their characteristics, we need try to carry out diverse of product design, plan and strategy for those various user group. Employees: Motorola has over 110,000 employees around the world, which Motorola (China) has about 13,000 employees, by the end of last year, Motorola (China) has about 700 managerial staff are Chinese, including about 200 female, which accounts 26% of total number. Government: China government structure plays an interesting role in the assumption that foreign companies will maintain dominance. Retailers: the retail distribution for the mobile phone is severely fragmented, but consolidating with industry growth and expansion. As mentioned previously, because of its dominant position, china mobile serves as a major distributor for mobile phone technology producers. Major department stores and retail outlets provide another key outlets for distribution. There is no one way to get products to consumers, as no one company has access to all of the markets in the nation, so providers must develop relationships with many types of outlets to gain market advantage. This is changing as the larger outlets and suppliers are buying up smaller retailers to consolidate their retail capabilities. 8) Marketing goals For the Motorola marketing goals, I think one of the most significant developments in business in recent years has been rapid growth of international activities. Exporting, foreign direct investment and sourcing of products and components abroad have expanded dramatically. Many firms enter new international markets make their company more competitively and new product growing more quickly. The market entry relates to the easy or difficultly with which a firm can become a member of a group of competing firms by producing a close substitute for the products they are offering. The firms must develop a range of products, assets, marketing strategy and management activities for the new market entered. Motorola will emphasis on facilities to make wireless telecom equipment, mobile phone handsets and semiconductors, it already told the largest investor in China electronics industry. Motorola will carries out a win -win development strategy from beginning and bring idea of taking China as its home and development base, to win the Chinese government and people's heart. Example as: with development over 15 years, Motorola has made a big success in China and been turned into a famous brand. In 2000, Motorola (China) is the leading company of 1,000 high-tech companies by china high-tech enterprise evaluation centre. In 2001, Motorola (China) was the biggest foreign import-export company in China. 8.1) Corporate goals In an effort to retake global market share, Motorola is relying on its long-standing local investments, self-expressive branding campaign, and redesigned products platforms to dominate critical emerging markets. Motorola company would continue to invest all of the proceeds of the company the company made from China in expanding production and China's accession into the world trade organization (WTO) and will sell a half of the company's products on the international market. 9) Case at Motorola pull strategy Motorola will purchase US $10.5 billion of components from the Chinese market and will export more than US $12 billion worth of commodities at 2004. Motorola will be using Japan's most popular 3D graphics technologies in its new mobile phones in an effort to claw back sales from market leader Nokia and rising star Samsung. 3D graphics are expected to be a standard feature on mobile phone handsets, especially. Just as with PCs, mobile devices will soon have separate processors for handling graphics because this eases the main processor's workload and allows more complex and better looking applications to be executed. The 3D games will pull some mobile phone users to upgrade. 9.1)) Motorola push strategy Motorola setting up a new application development centre to promote wireless data services among Chinese networks. The company plans to help local telecommunications operators link up with application developers to offer quality control, engineering and logistics support as well as sales and marketing help. Mobile phone companies worldwide are moving to set up data-oriented 3G networks to boost capacity, improve coverage areas, and offer services such as 2.4-megabit-per-second wireless broadband. The data-oriented services are also expected to help make up for plunging revenue from voice calls. 10) Example of marketing communication mix ââ¬â Motorola Motorola, the world's second largest wireless phone market, held its 2003 product launch in Shanghai, China, with a line up of handsets clearly meant to appeal to buyers not just on functionality but also stylish. As Motorola has historically been perceived as engineering ââ¬â driven company and its products have reflected that heritage. While that approach has yield some of the market's hall of frame products ââ¬â such as the 1996 introducing of the star TAC ââ¬â today's mobile handset market is increasingly focusing on the youth market, where designs that reflected their style s and ââ¬Ëpersonal expression' are key. Motorola's product launch event in China was more that just an opportunity to release its new handsets. It was also a showcase meant to highli9ghtr the company's new mindset and marketing strategy that should help it build market share. The Motorola campaign and the 2003 product line seek to embrace that trend. The 2003 line showed off many evolutionary products, including phones with advanced colour displays, a new 3G phones, and a new technology called ââ¬Ëhaptics' that envelops the user in what is best described as a ââ¬Ëvibration field' that differs depending on the caller. The new handsets also have a strong focus on picture messaging, with many models offering built-in cameras. The company is also keeping cost and manufacturing efficiencies in perspective. Motorola is increasingly adopting the practice of reusing the same chipset and wrapping different hardware and software ââ¬Ëskin' around them to offer a different looking g product- build on products and sell it in four different ways, there by appealing to a wider range of audiences. Well, today, handsets are not only tools, there are fashion statements, and something can show with personal styles. Motorola now is appealing to there sense of style, in addition to offering advanced phone features. During that lunch, one thing is clear: this is a company that knows that brand equity and defining the brand are important factors. The 200 analysts and media who attend lunch events ââ¬â every advertising surface between the airport and the hotel were covered with their ââ¬Ëhello Motorola ââ¬Ë ad campaign. The product rollout was treated like a movie premier ââ¬â something Motorola would never have done few years ago ââ¬â featuring Motomodels, Motococktails and have course Motophones. The event clearly showed how management has completely retooled and refocused its product strategy for the better. 11) Motorola's strategy plan As Motorola kept their intimated relationship with Chinese government from the beginning of the time when they entered Chinese market, so Chinese government always is the strongest support for the Motorola (China). > The major investment focus will still be around north China's Tianjin area where it launched it production base in 1980s. It will put over two billion Yuan (à ¯Ã ¿Ã ½151 million) on Tianjin based Motorola (China) electronic company with in next five years. > The strategy of Motorola is not to seeking quick money returns, but also has a long-term commitment to the China market. The Motorola (China) will adhere to a principle of introducing the latest technology to Chinese market and continues operate with smooth co-operation with domestic partners in the market. The famous 2+3+3 strategy for the Motorola of Chinese operation, this strategy which include building China into a worldwide manufacturing and R&D base for the telecommunications equipment giant. It includes three new growth areas including semiconductors, broadband and digital trucking systems and three $10 billions goals through 2006. > Local sourcing is an important development rule for Motorola in China. Motorola hope takes part of China economic construction by enforcing this rule and strengthening its co-operation with Chinese enterprise. > Motorola will choosing local company supplier, helping them improving their management, enhancing efficiency and promoting quality regulation system, or even will bring them into contract with foreign regulation system. Example as: in year 2001, Motorola had a RMB13.3 billion purchase from Chinese enterprise, including RMB 3.3 billion by overseas branches of Motorola, the amount which is much high than other foreign companies in China. > For the long-standing Chinese culture and specially background (Chinese government are controlled by the communist party), so that Motorola will choose their management team locally. Example: Motorola offering a huge range of training program for their Chinese employee, by the end of 2001, Motorola has a 767 managerial employees are Chinese, which is account of 26% of the total management number. 12) Localization Knowing that consumer preference in the Chinese market is quite different from that in the US or UK market, Motorola started to localize its product development after the initial poor performance of pure ââ¬Ëglobal' strategy. Now Motorola adapts its models to meet the specific demand form local markets rather than simply throw the current products into the market without any adjustment. The R&D centre in China successfully developed software to show the menu in Chinese and input Chinese characters. In 1999, a combination PDA/phone, which was designed by Chinese engineers, was launched in China and spread to the us and European countries. Motorola localization strategy also includes local souring. The company takes initiative in establishing relationships with local suppliers. 7 years ago, 65% of components were imported, while 69% of components are purchased locally now. Local souring brings Motorola three major benefits: lowering manufacturing cost, reducing risks from currency fluctuation, and catering to Chinese government's requirements. 13) Advertising and promotions targeted to market groups According to my analysis above, Motorola has four target customer groups, and there are four sub-brands to respectively target the 4 market segments: time port to heavy user, accompli to technology user, V. to fashion user, and talk about to social-life lovers. Different advertisings and promotions are implemented to target these 4 specific categories, which are show in below: Figure 2. Advertising and promotions targeted to market groups
Friday, November 8, 2019
In this experiment I will be investigating the efficiency of a motor. I hope to calculate a range of results when the motor lifts varying weights Essays
In this experiment I will be investigating the efficiency of a motor. I hope to calculate a range of results when the motor lifts varying weights Essays In this experiment I will be investigating the efficiency of a motor. I hope to calculate a range of results when the motor lifts varying weights Essay In this experiment I will be investigating the efficiency of a motor. I hope to calculate a range of results when the motor lifts varying weights Essay Safety: In this experiment it is important to consider the safety aspects when carrying out this practical task; I will make sure of the following things before starting the experiment: * The circuit has been connected correctly according to the circuit diagram (Previous page) * Make sure that the connected leads are all working in order and are not tangled * Check that the motor is working correctly * The Power supply is working, and the voltage is not exceeding the limit * Check the circuit before starting and be standing during the experiment * A Mat should be placed on the floor as weights will land on to the ground Keeping the same Changing Current Length of string /Height Temperature Voltage Motor Weight Variables: Theory: Efficiency is often expressed as a percentage. What efficiency shows us is the power wasted in the experiment, not all the power is used efficiently as it is wasted when the power is being transferred. The power source is transferred usefully in the external load, while wasted power is used heating the power supply and surroundings. No motor can work perfectly, due to friction and other small factors. In other words, some energy is always lost and you never get out the energy you put in, this is what is being tested in this experiment therefore we hope to see if the energy is transferred well or not. the equation for efficiency is known as: Efficiency = useful energy (power) output/ total energy (power) input x 100 The main factor that stops efficiency from reaching a maximum is friction as it can not be eliminated it therefore brings the total efficiency down. Resistance can play a big factor in affecting the experiment the more resistance in the circuit the less efficiency. The resistance will slow down the motor. The higher the temperature the more resistance that will be produced as the temperature increase the electrons will vibrate more causing more friction in the motor and making it less efficient. The resistance will stop the current flowing as well and could lead into anomalous results. In this experiment I will be using the following to calculate the efficiency of the motor: WH/ IVT This will show the efficiency of a motor and will allow me present my results using the equation. The equation basically shows work done (WH) and the power input (IVT). Prediction: In this experiment as we increase the weight the motor will have to do more work it will then also take longer for the weights to be lifted, and as it does more work its efficiency will increase as the current and voltage will remain the same. So if you double the weight, the work will double and so should the efficiency because the motor becomes more efficient as it does more work for the power being supplied. If the length of the string is longer the results will be more accurate as it will take longer for the weights to be lifted to the top of the work top. Therefore if the length was increased the results could be more accurate and it would make the overall work of the motor increase. If the voltage was changed with the weights the efficiency would remain the same as the work would be done easier if there was more overall power input. Therefore if the voltage was doubled and the weight was the doubled the efficiency would remain constant. Method: In this practical I am going to change the weight and voltage, as two separate studys. I will do this by planning out how I will conduct the experiment: * Cut string at 1 metres length * I will tie the wire to the winch * Tie base of weights to the end of the string * Clam the motor to the end of the bench * Set up the circuit as shown in the diagram * Check with teacher that it is correct * Start with lowest weight and increase until all ten weights have been used * Time how long each weight takes to reach the top of the bench * Then repeat the experiment twice more * Measure the string to see if any increase in size * Then record results on to a table * Then using those results plot a graph My results table will look similar to the following: The efficiency of the motor W/n I/A V/V T/s IVT WH Efficiency 0.1 1. 2. 3. Average: Sensitivity: Make the string as long as possible, if I double the size it will have twice less the error in recording time. It is important to try and decrease the error in recording the time as this is the biggest error. The error in recording time is +/- 0.5 seconds. This error could be decreased if it was being done using a mechanical device but as I am controlling it myself the human error is large. I will measure the length to the length of the worktop so the length is maximised. Adding each weight gradually, having recordings for each weight 3 times therefore diving the error by three. Voltmeter and Ammeter flickers therefore less accurate. Therefore more likely to obtain anomalous results. Resistance in leads cause possible errors as less accurate measurements of voltage and current. Small weights allow weight to be changed and maximum weight can be lifted and can obtain ten results. Strong string, but light and does not get stretched; check the size of string before and after the experiment, so we can see any extension. Thin, so does not overlap on the rotating winch. Averages of recording will help improve accuracy. Plot a graph to show anomalies on a best fit, should show errors or a pattern. Weights might not be accurate weigh them to see if the weight is exact or not. the scales could also be inaccurate therefore hard to make it certain that there is less chance of error. AS Level Experiment Hermanjit Virk 12WSI Electric Motor Efficiency Coursework Observation and Results Results: The efficiency of the motor W/N I/A V/V t/s IVt WH Efficiency % 0.1 1.29 4.56 1.0.5 2.0.48 3.0.42 Average: 0.47 1.29 x 4.56 x 0.47 = 2.764728 = 2.76 0.1 x 0.9 = 0.09 0.09 / 2.76 = 0.032552931 x 100 = 3.26 0.2 1.29 4.56 1.0.50 2.0.53 3.0.58 Average: 0.54 1.29 x 4.56 x 0.54 = 3.176496 = 3.18 0.2 x 0.9 = 0.18 0.18 / 3.18 = 0.056666213 x 100 = 5.66 0.3 1.29 4.56 1.0.59 2.0.64 3.0.60 Average: 0.61 1.29 x 4.56 x 0.61 = 3.588264 = 3.59 0.3 x 0.9 = 0.27 0.27 / 3.59 = 0.075245299 x 100 = 7.52 0.4 1.29 4.56 1.0.66 2.0.70 3.0.67 Average: 0.68 1.29 x 4.56 x 0.68 = 4.000032 = 4.00 0.4 x 0.9 = 0.36 0.36 / 4.00 = 0.08999928 x 100 = 9.00 0.5 1.29 4.56 1.0.72 2.0.77 3.0.75 Average: 0.75 1.29 x 4.56 x 0.75 = 4.4118 = 4.41 0.5 x 0.9 = 0.45 0.45 / 4.41 = 0.101999184 x 100 =10.20 0.6 1.29 4.56 1.0.87 2.0.79 3.0.82 Average: 0.82 1.29 x 4.56 x 0.82 = 4.823568 = 4.82 0.6 x 0.9 = 0.54 0.54 / 4.82 = 0.1119503239 x 100 = 11.20 0.7 1.29 4.56 1.0.84 2.0.88 3.0.94 Average: 0.89 1.29 x 4.56 x 0.89 = 5.235336 = 5.24 0.7 x 0.9 = 0.63 0.63 / 5.24 = 0.120336116 x 100 = 12.02 0.8 1.29 4.56 1.1.00 2.0.96 3.0.92 Average: 0.96 1.29 x 4.56 x 0.96 = 5.647104 = 5.65 0.8 x 0.9 = 0.72 0.72 / 5.65 = 0.12749898 x 100 = 12.74 0.9 1.29 4.56 1.1.01 2.1.05 3.1.02 Average: 1.03 1.29 x 4.56 x 1.03 = 6.058872 = 6.06 0.9 x 0.9 = 0.81 0.81 / 6.06 = 1.336882509 = 13.37 1.0 1.29 4.56 1.1.06 2.1.09 3.1.11 Average: 1.09 1.29 x 4.56 x 1.09 = 6.411816 = 6.41 1.0 x 0.9 = 0.90 0.90 / 6.41 = 1.403658496 = 14.04 See graphs. AS Level Experiment Hermanjit Virk 12WSI Electric Motor Efficiency Coursework Interpretation and Evaluation Conclusion: As you can see from my results my prediction was correct, as you increase the weight on the motor it will have to do more work. As the voltage and current remained constant the efficiency became higher with the more weights that were placed on to the string to be lifted. Due to fact that the motor had to do more work, the time increased resulting in a positive gradient through my graph. Obviously the time was not as accurate as I would have hoped as the motor picked little weights quickly over short distances. The efficiency for the motor in this experiment was quite low, so not much of the energy put in was used usefully. The highest efficiency reached in my results was when picking up the top weight of 1N, which my calculations showed to have the efficiency of 14.04%, this means that 86.06% was wasted energy; this was probably due to the friction of moving parts in the motor resulting in heat and sound released into the environment. Evaluation: My experiment went reasonably well, I repeated my results three times this increased the amount of accuracy in the experiment, it helped divide error in time by three. I followed my plan making sure of safety and went through my method before conducting the experiment. The biggest error in the experiment as I have previously discussed was time, so it was unlikely that any one could have had results that were perfect. Other errors in my experiment were caused by practical faults, or by a more technical reason. The voltmeter and ammeter persistently changed value in the experiment; therefore we can tell that maybe some resistance was carried in the connecting leads. If I was to test again, I would change the timing technique by using a light gate instrument. To use the light gate instrument I would place the weight at the start when it starts to moving towards the motor it will pass a sensitive sensor that then turn the time of through some kind force mechanism. This could divide the human error by about ten. If I could repeat the test I would test the affect of voltage on the efficiency, and I would use one set number of weights. This test would probably show us a decrease in efficiency as the voltage is increased. AS Level Experiment Hermanjit Virk 12WSI Lens Coursework Plan Aim: In this investigation, I will be changing the factors of object distance and image distance, to find the focal length of a converging lens. Apparatus: Converging Lens (2, plus combination of both) Blue Tack Light Box Lens Stand Power Supply Ruler Screen Tape (Scissors) Diagram: Safety: In this experiment it is important to consider the safety aspects when carrying out this practical task; I will make sure of the following things before starting the experiment: * Equipment correctly setup (Above diagram), avoiding confusion, less chance of accidents. * Make sure that the leads from light box are working in order * The Power supply is working, and the voltage is not exceeding the limit * Check the circuit before starting and be standing during the experiment * Lens should be affixed firmly with blue tack to the Lens stand, no chance of breaking * Light box working and in order, light should be bright and clear * Do not look directly into the bright light, where safety goggles * Work top should be cleared of any objects which are not being used in the experiment * Apparatus should be spread out neatly and spaciously Keeping the same Changing Ruler Position/Measurement Points Object Distance (u) Voltage Image Distance (v) Light Bulb Lens (2 converging lenses, both lenses together for one set of results) Material of lens Variables: Theory: In this experiment we will be using converging lenses, any lens that is fatter at the centre than at its edges will converge. (Below) We can see a parallel beam converging through a point, F known as the principle focus of the lens. The distance from the lens to this point is called the focal length, f, of the lens. The power of a lens, P (the unit for the power of a lens is dioptre, D), can also be measured, which is the reciprocal of the focal length in metres: P = 1/f When a lens converges light, it carries with it an image of the source object correct in every detail. This can then be projected on to a screen, this is a real image. To get the clearest image the object distance (u), and image distance (v), must be exactly proportional to the focal length (f), (Previous diagram). The equation connecting the distance of an object from the lens and the distance for its image is: 1/f = 1/u + 1/v The focal length of converging lenses are positive, therefore the images produced are of real objects and images not virtual which can be produced by diverging lenses. Material of the lenses is a factor in this experiment but as I will be using glass it is important to know what effect this has on the lens and image. The material of the lens will not be changing. Glass is a clear transparent material and that is one of the reasons it is being used. Glass is harder than plastic therefore it does not scratch easily and it can then help produce a clear image. The material does not easily deform therefore the focal point can remain constant. Glass is good at transmitting light; it absorbs very little. The problem however is that glass reflects a proportion of the light. It reflects about 10% of the light this can be reduced by adding a anti-reflection coating to the lens. This increases the transmission of light up to 99% making the image brighter. Prediction: The fatter in the middle, out of the two lenses that I decide to use, the smaller the focal length. Therefore if one of the lenses is twice as fat in the middle compared to the other. Its focal length will be twice as short, because it will refract light at a doubly greater angle. Therefore I will be able to have a larger range of results with a fatter lens as image will appear earlier and take longer to fully deform. Therefore when both lenses are combined the focal length will obviously be smaller than that of both lenses in proportion. When I increase the size of the object distance (u, to then obtain a clearer picture I will probably have to decrease the size of v by a proportional amount if I would like to attain a clear picture. Therefore if I double the distance of object distance (u), I will have to therefore decrease the image distance by a proportional extent, to acquire a fine focus of the image. Therefore as I increase the length of both object distance (u) and the image distance (v), the picture will gradually become more distorted until it is no longer a real image. It is important that both the lenses are the same material if I want to obtain a good set of results. Both lenses should be transparent and have minimal scratches to prevent image being unclear. The lens must also be hard so it does not easily get affected in any form during the experiment, so there is less chance of the results being anomalous. Both lenses should not be deformed in shape or any other way, as this could affect the focal point from remaining constant. Method: In this practical I am going to change the object distance (u) and the image distance (v), to two different converging lenses. I will do this by planning out how I will conduct the experiment: * Clear the work top * Setup the power supply and connect the ray box * Blue Tack the metre rule to the work top, making sure it is secure * Set the lens stand in front of the ray box * Setup the screen in front of the lens stand * Calculate the focal length of the lens, by using parallel light from a window * Blue Tack the lens into the lens stand making sure it is secure * Switch on the power supply and gradually maximise the voltage * Stick tape on to side of ray box, lens and screen from were I will measure from and to * Using a setsquare measure the middle of the lens and check that all equipment is set out parallel, avoiding errors in measurements * Vary distance of object distance(u) and image distance (v) until I get a large range of well spaced results, I will repeat my readings so that I can obtain an average * Increase the lengths of both object distance(u) and image distance (v) until there is no longer a real image, increasing the length by 0.5 2.0 cm each time * Record my results in a table, It should be clear and informative, it should state any units * Plot my results onto a graph * The table will have ten results for both lenses, and the combination of both lenses, having a column for object distance (u), image distance (v), and the calculation of focal length (f), using the equation: 1/f = 1/u + 1/v My results table will look similar to the following: Lens (Focal length (cm), measured using parallel light) Object Distance/ u (cm) [1/u] Image Distance/ v (cm) [1/v] Focal Length (cm) 1/f = 1/u + 1/v 1 () Average: 2 () Average: 1;2 Combined () Average: Sensitivity: In this experiment it is important that I am aware of errors; I can decrease the amount of inaccuracies by checking the sensitivity of my practical when measuring and recording: To measure the lengths of object distance (u) and image distance (v), I will be using a metre rule and slowly increasing the lengths of both. The error in reading from a metre ruler in each reading is +/-0.5mm therefore the error in accuracy is +/-1mm. The error of a metre rule can be overcome and decreased by using a vernier callipers which would help divide the error by ten times, the error being +/-0.1mm. If more accuracy was needed a micrometer could be used which in fact is ten times more accurate then a vernier. It will also be important to make sure that the ruler is straight as well as any other equipment when measuring, and not at an angle. This could cause an error in the distance being measured. To overcome this I may use a setsquare to line up the equipment. With a ruler I might decide to place, it directly parallel to the end of the bench, and blue tack it firmly down. I could also use the setsquare to measure the middle of the lens so it is clear to see where I am measuring from. I will take a range of ten readings and make an average of three results for each reading therefore improving my results dividing the error by three. This then gives more accurate table of results. Errors could also happen if the lenses are scratched, if one is scratched more than the other it will therefore transmit less light and cause errors in my results. That is why it will be important to pick lenses that are similar in shape and only different in size. AS Level Experiment Hermanjit Virk 12WSI Lens Coursework Observation and Results Results: Lens (Focal length (cm), measured using parallel light) Object Distance/ u (cm) [1/u] Image Distance/ v (cm) [1/v] Focal Length (cm) 1/f = 1/u + 1/v Significant figures 1 (15.5) 19.2 [0.052083333] 26.0 [0.038461538] 32.9 [0.030395136] 39.7 [0.025188916] 46.6 [0.021459227] 53.4 [0.019026591] 60.3 [0.017083747] 67.1 [0.015003129] 74.0 [0.014013513] 80.8 [0.012376237] 80.8 [0.012376237] 38.5 [0.026074025] 29.4 [0.034013605] 25.5 [0.039215686] 23.3 [0.043018454] 21.9 [0.046062100] 20.9 [0.048046889] 20.2 [0.050004950] 19.6 [0.051020408] 19.2 [0.052083333] 15.513600230345936220 15.520380190718594327 15.530842990782881473 15.530840768304103486 15.533333671960007382 15.530677584360272210 15.520566955136062917 15.530002568715020987 15.500726658232962476 15.513600230345936220 Average:15.52 cm 2 (13.5) 16.1 [0.062111801] 23.6 [0.042372881] 31.2 [0.032051282] 38.7 [0.026039793] 46.2 [0.022045021] 53.8 [0.019087360] 61.3 [0.016313213] 68.8 [0.015034883] 76.4 [0.013089005] 83.9 [0.012018951] 83.9 [0.012018951] 31.6 [0.032045569] 23.8 [0.042016806] 20.8 [0.048076923] 19.1 [0.052356020] 18.0 [0.056055555] 17.3 [0.058003468] 16.8 [0.060023809] 16.4 [0.061075609] 16.1 [0.062111801] 13.510900068339168026 13.510145105713507916 13.501091050169946334 13.530739561427485496 13.513323413923325754 13.490465390320841850 13.492239351624501372 13.50280396526581916913.510900068339168026 Average: 13.51 cm 1;2 Combined (7.5) 08.2 [0.122051219] 17.5 [0.057142857] 26.8 [0.037313432] 36.1 [0.028000831] 45.4 [0.022026431] 54.6 [0.018315018] 63.9 [0.016049452] 73.2 [0.014061202] 82.5 [0.012121212] 91.8 [0.011093246] 91.8 [0.011093246] 13.1 [0.076335877] 10.4 [0.096153846] 09.5 [0.105263157] 09.0 [0.111111111] 08.7 [0.115042528] 08.5 [0.118047058] 08.4 [0.119047619] 08.3 [0.120481927] 08.2 [0.122051219] 7.5306000396403418087 7.4918301217930340874 7.4924731738366612976 7.5208333853524309154 7.5110294585429555249 7.5042654620099337564 7.5020718847027577841 7.5452941309003114420 7.5412996067913595922 7.5306000396403418087 Average: 7.52 cm See graphs. AS Level Experiment Hermanjit Virk 12WSI Lens Coursework Interpretation and Evaluation Conclusion: As we can see from my results the fatter in the middle, out of the two lenses that I decided to use, the smaller the focal length. This is because the lens refracts light at a greater angle. Therefore I will have a large range of results with a fatter lens as image will appeared earlier and took longer to fully deform. Therefore when both lenses were combined the focal length was being smaller than that of both lenses in proportion, as I had earlier predicted. When I increased the size of the object distance (u), to obtain a clear picture, I had to decrease the size of v by a proportional amount. Therefore when I increased the length of both object distance (u) and the image distance (v), the picture gradually became more distorted until it was no longer a real image. It was important that both the lenses were the same material as I wanted to obtain a good set of results. Both lenses were transparent and had minimal scratches to prevent image being unclear. The lens was also hard so it did not easily get affected in any form during the experiment, so there was less chance of the results being anomalous. Both lenses were not deformed in shape or any other way, the glass material was not deformed so it did not affect the focal point from remaining constant. Evaluation: I could have done the experiment differently by measuring the distances more accurately, for example the focal length as then I could have see how accurate my results were. To have done this I might have used a vernier calliper, which could have helped divided errors by ten times. I could have also have improved my experiment by checking the measuring points more carefully and this would have made the difference in accuracy. Using a setsquare to measure the middle of the lens was not as accurate as I would have hoped as the stand was where I eventually measured from because the ruler was in a fixed position. I also had anomalies as combining lenses probably was not that accurate as the glass was still separate from each other and maybe the results were inaccurate due to this. It was hard to choose the position to measure the light from as it was hard to be accurate in choosing where the light started as the bulb was covered from the sides as it was in a ray box. In think if I was to do this experiment over I would use a larger range in the lenses as it would have given me a better range of results, and when combining the lenses using something to hold them tight. I would have also spent more time in using a different measurements if the lenses could have produced a larger range of results.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Scientific Research essays
Scientific Research essays When scientific research began it was all for the benefit of mankind. Scientists were not worried about profit from their findings they were worried about discovering new things that would help improve our world or our health. They were also interested in discovering new things so that our world could learn about life on earth many years ago. Although they still have the same goal in mind it seems like the only thing on their mind is how much money they will get from discovering new things or being able to explain what was once unexplainable. It all started after Watson and Crick deciphered the structure of DNA. The world was amazed with how this discovery could benefit mankind. However, many years later Watson and Crick's colleagues were involved in a different type of research. Molecular genetic research had became a multibillion dollar enterprise. It was after this time that new scientific companies were starting to arise everywhere. There was a new one announced almost every week. The scientists were now wanting to do research for profit instead of for the benefit of mankind. Every scientist was trying to discover something bigger and better than the next one. I feel like this is a tragedy for our world today. The people that we trust to help cure us and make our world a better place is more concerned with the money and the publicity rather than solely on the safety of our people. They are working daily on new discoveries with no one at all watching them to ensure that everything is done correctly. One example that comes to mind is the medicine Vioxx and all its related medicines. They have just now discovered that these medicines are causing heart problems, strokes, and even deaths. In my opinion if the scientists would have took more time to research this medicine then so many people would not have become ill from it. Yet those are the types of scientists that ...
Monday, November 4, 2019
Benefits of green tea on oral health Research Paper - 1
Benefits of green tea on oral health - Research Paper Example These illnesses included periodontitis, gingivitis, as well as dental trauma, for example, oral cysts, subluxation, and after wisdom tooth removal. Oral health is a determining element for quality life, vital for healthiness, and a vital part of over-all health. In the European Union, the socio-economic obligation of oral illnesses is substantial: they affect a greater part of school-aged kids and grown-ups, and make up 5 percent of public health expenditure (Cho, Oh & Oh 357). Costs of established curative cure have escalated from 54 billion pounds in 2000 to 79 billion pounds in 2012, plus are projected to increase up to 93 bn pounds by 2020. Therapy expenditure surpasses that of other illnesses, including heart disease, cancer, dementia as well as stroke. This is alarming, since most of dental diseases burden is avertible (Pavel & Pave 104). A variety of health disorders is linked with oral ailment. Poorly regulated diabetes ailment is a well-recognized risk cause for fostering periodontal failure and latest research displays how protracted gum diseases may increase diabetic impediments (Erridge, Cox & Dixon 152). Gum ailments are also linked with coronary heart syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis, and adversative pregnancy outcomes. Oral illnesses are easily avoidable by healthy nutrition, consistent dental check-ups as well as routine personal dental hygiene habits, including re-current oral check-ups, the usage of mouthwashes and toothpastes with fluoride, inter-dental washing, and chewingno-sugar chewing gum while traveling. Frequent fluoride exposure, consistent brushing, a nutritious diet as well as routine dental care all add to enhanced oral health results and a decrease in oral healthiness inequities (Pham-Huy, Pham-Huy & He 12). In revelation of this, attempting to expose the full capacity of oral inhibition appears to be an extremely encouraging policy method to decrease the considerable costs and burden of oral
Friday, November 1, 2019
International Supply Chains Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
International Supply Chains - Essay Example More simply, it is the science (and art) of ensuring that the right products reach the right place in the right quantity at the right time to satisfy customer demand. It has also been defined as "the management of inventory in motion and at rest". (Source: A supply chain is a network of facilities and distribution options that performs the functions of procurement of materials; transformation of this material into intermediate and finished products; and distribution of these finished products to customers. (Source: Ganeshan & Harrison - Introduction to Supply Chain Management) International Supply Chains are those supply chains that transcend national boundaries in their operations. Logistics and supply chain solutions help clients realize the many benefits of an improved supply chain. They include reducing distribution costs, improving customer service, speeding up sales process and improving customer loyalty. The United Nations Convention on International Multimodal Transport of Goods (Geneva, 24 May 1980) states that "International multimodal transport" means the carriage... The United Nations Convention on International Multimodal Transport of Goods (Geneva, 24 May 1980) states that "International multimodal transport" means the carriage of goods by at least two different modes of transport on the basis of a multimodal transport contract from a place in one country at which the goods are taken in charge by the multimodal transport operator to a place designated for delivery situated in a different country. The operations of pick-up and delivery of goods carried out in the performance of a unimodal transport contract, as defined in such contract, shall not be considered as international multimodal transport." In loosely coined terms of day-to-day industry usage, multi-modal simply represents a combination of truck, rail, water, and or air transport to haul everything from small to large items, from raw materials to finished goods, and from perishable to non-perishables. (Source from website ). Major transport growths tries to achieve a balance between providing accessibility to the markets, economic efficiency and reduce threat to the environment. Multimodal transport, that is using two or more transport modes for a trip between which a transfer is necessary, has been touted as a solution for the current transportation issues. This came into full force with the invention of the container in 1960's by Malcolm MacLean. McLean explained that while sitting at a dock waiting for cargo he trucked in to be reloaded onto a ship, he realized that rather than loading and unloading the truck, the truck itself (with some minor modifications) could be the container that is transported. (Source from website ). The improvement in
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